Tuning Kits

ChangeSaab 9-3 I 1998-2003
2.0t/T 150/185 hp, Model Year 2001, 5-gear manual
225 Hp
230 Hp
245 Hp
250 Hp
270 Hp
280 Hp
315 Hp
335 Hp
225 Hp
240 Hp
245 Hp
255 Hp
280 Hp
305 Hp
350 Hp
BioPower Convert

MapTun Stage 6 - 315 Hp/430 Nm

Item number: 93.T7.185.6
Price from: € 2.724,49
€ 3.295,27

TD04HL-XT #6 9-3/9-5 MT

When buying the product you will be charged a deposit of € 218,36. This is refunded when you return the original product. You can also choose to send your original product in advance, we will then deliver once when have received the original product.